Some people claim to see fern seeds yet fail to see the Elephant
standing right in front of them – C S Lewis.
Bishop Tom Frame, in his provocative book A
House Divided? The Quest for Unity Within Anglicanism wrote:
* ‘Synods, like all committees, are wary of radicals,
mavericks, prophets and reformers. They tend to prefer those… who will never
challenge the prevailing orthodoxy or suggest institutional risk-taking’.
* ‘In my view, the Australian
Church has too few
creative individuals and too many critical observers… The Church seems to
produce more renegades than revolutionaries, and more would-be iconoclasts
I mark important bits in the books I read: I double-marked those.
From teenage years onwards I’ve been something of an iconoclastic
radical, asking provocative questions of traditionalists whose 'status is
the quo'. If people take seriously something which is manifestly
ridiculous, I can’t ignore it. So it’s not surprising that I have rarely been
invited to occupy positions of leadership or speak at annual conferences in
conservative organizations (unless I’ve been given a highly circumscribed
subject to speak on… and yes, on those occasions, I have been respectful, and
only mildly provocative!).
Teenage sample (to an elder in the Brethren ‘Assembly’ our family
‘So you take the Isaiah text (58:13) about not doing anything
pleasurable on the Lord’s Day literally. What do you do between church
services, on Sunday afternoons?’
Elder: ‘I take a nap.’
Moi: ‘Do you find that pleasurable?’
Elder (a little confused): ‘Well, yes, I suppose I do…’
Moi: (some months later): ‘What do you do these days on Sunday
Elder: ‘I go for a walk.’
Moi: ‘Do you enjoy your walk?’
Elder (again confused): ‘Yes, I do, actually.’
Moi: ‘But you don’t go to Cronulla (the nearest surfing beach) for
a swim?’
Elder: ‘Certainly not!’
Moi: ‘So it’s OK to enjoy yourself on terra firma but not in the
H2O on the Lord’s Day?’
Elder was silent (and still confused)…
I’ve experienced at least one paradigm shift in my thinking in
each decade of an interesting existence…. including these ‘Aha’ experiences:
Late teens: No particular Christian group has a monopoly on the truth
Twenties: The KJV will not be used widely in 20 years because God wants
his Word-in-Scripture to be understood – especially by young people, new Christians,
and those for whom English is a second or third language…
Fundamentalism has some strengths, but militant
Christian fundamentalism (of the John R Rice variety) doesn’t have much
to commend it’. Biblical Inerrancy is not a doctrine the Bible posits for itself, so it must be heretical…
In the first church I pastored (Narwee Baptist in Sydney ) we added a staff member (Dave
Kendall) when we couldn’t afford to. We simply found enough people who wanted
to strengthen the youth ministry in our church to increase their offerings for
a year to support this move. In the 1970s we did the same at Blackburn Baptist
Church when Robert Colman was added as the fourth pastor – again, when the
‘bean-counters’ would have advised against it. The corporate just shall live by
faith eh? The result: momentum was generated in those two churches, which grew
substantially over four and eight years respectively.
Thirties: ‘All institutions are inherently degenerative’ (Robert
Merton). They tend to accrue power instead of giving it away and exist at
the mercy of petty bureaucrats. Thus clericalism in churches (all of them)
is evil: leaders are supposed to empower others for ministry but hardly
ever do that well’. When institutionalism infects a denomination, the
churches get the idea that they exist for HQ rather than the other way
Also institutions tend toward exclusiveness. For example, the
‘closed membership’ stance of most Baptist churches in Australia
(until recently) made a judgment that an ‘immersed’ teenager was more competent
to be a member than a godly ex-Methodist who’d been baptized by sprinkling!
When I broached this subject to the deacons at Blackburn Baptist
Church in the early
1970s, one of them kyboshed discussion with an ‘over my dead body’ response…
See the talk I’ve
given to Baptists around Australia
on this topic. The tide is turning on this one.
Social Justice and Love for God/others are the key Kingdom values
for Jesus but they don’t get a mention in the historic Christian creeds
or evangelical Doctrinal Statements. Why is that? Inherent Pharisaism
in conservative Christian culture… See my article ‘Pharisees Ancient and
Modern’ for more…
The truth embraces many dimensions: the temptation of tired minds
is to focus on just one aspect and thus imbibe a very
restricted spiritual diet. For example, ‘Worship’ has seven meanings in
Biblical and subsequent Christian history, but most churches embrace just
one mode, and are thus impoverished. Mission
has three dimensions (justice, works of mercy, evangelism) but most
churches major on one, or at most two of these. Traditionalists,
conservatives, progressives and radicals all have a special insight into a
particular phenomenon’s worth because each group’s asking different
questions. A mature mind will not be locked into a bigoted ‘left or
right-wing’ position on this or that, but will strive to be ‘above the
fray’, wingless.
Paradox, ambiguity, is a beautiful thing. Men who spend more than 50 hours a
week pursuing their vocation will not make good fathers. Sons and daughters
especially between 11-14 need their dads. In our sick culture males especially
‘are what they do’: their worth is measured by how well they perform
compared to other males. The mid-life crisis is all about realizing that
this competitive instinct is sick and destructive.
Clergy are a wounded lot. The number of ex-pastors equates with the number of
serving pastors in the Western world. Before commencing John Mark Ministries we could find no
cross-denominational ministry to burned-out pastors anywhere. There are plenty
of them now. Each of us should identify our strengths and give ourselves
away to individuals and groups who are powerless (in my case Dawn Rowan –
look her up in Google – and ex-pastors and their spouses).
Since the Old and New Testaments have nothing to say about homosexuality as an
orientation, nor about the possibility of a faithful committed
relationship between two Gay/Lesbian people, who am I who happened to be
born with a heterosexual orientation to deny my sisters and brothers the
rich benefits I’ve enjoyed in 51+ years of marriage? This is the major
paradigm shift the Church worldwide is wrestling with at present. Like all
other paradigm shifts (eg the emancipation of slaves and women) we’ll look
back in twenty years’ time and wonder what all the fuss was about…
Seventies: The Lord has yet more light and truth to break forth from his
Word (who first said that?). Looking back, I’m grateful for these insights
which have moved from ‘ridiculous’ to ‘the norm’ within a decade or two,
when the tribes have caught up with them… The major one where the tribes
are still dragging their feet is the institutional/empowerment one…
Today’s Facebook quote: ‘Every truth passes through three stages
before it is recognized: First, it is ridiculed, second, it is
opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident’ (Schopenhauer).
But. in all this, there is a price to pay. ‘A prophet has no honor
in the prophet’s own country’ (John 4:44 ).
Rowland Croucher
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