Mormon Teachers’ College student: ‘We Mormons believe
that God is physical, like a giant male.’
Me: ‘Is that general Mormon teaching?’
Me: ‘Is that general Mormon teaching?’
‘I think so. But I also believe we can measure the
size of God.’
‘Really? How?’
‘Well, one of the Hebrew prophets says God walks on the mountains. Figure out where those mountains are, use a bit of trigonometry, and you can roughly tell how big God is…’
‘So if you were to draw a picture of God, he’d have wings and feathers…?’
‘Oh no. He’s like a human male.’
‘Well, one of the Hebrew prophets says God walks on the mountains. Figure out where those mountains are, use a bit of trigonometry, and you can roughly tell how big God is…’
‘So if you were to draw a picture of God, he’d have wings and feathers…?’
‘Oh no. He’s like a human male.’
But Psalm 91:4 says ‘God will cover you
with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge...’
(Her face went white).
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is reported to have said ‘I would not give a fig for simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my right arm for simplicity on the other side of complexity.’ And: ‘A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.’
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. is reported to have said ‘I would not give a fig for simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my right arm for simplicity on the other side of complexity.’ And: ‘A mind stretched by a new idea can never go back to its original dimensions.’
Skip these two pages if this is not an issue for you. I
spent the first 19 years of my life attending two-to-four ‘meetings’ a week in
a Dispensationalist/Fundamentalist Brethren ‘Assembly’ in Sydney, so writing this
summary has been a nostalgic experience for me. My boyhood Bible teachers loved
the Scofield Reference Bible (but one of them - a wise person - suggested I
stick to the material 'between Scofield's notes' – ie. the basic scriptural
text ).
We believed in the Rapture: the return of Jesus to
set up a millennial kingdom and reign for a literal thousand years from
Jerusalem. (Though I don’t remember seeing a picture apparently popular in
Bible-belt American homes of a man cutting the grass outside his house, gazing
in astonishment as his born-again wife is raptured out of an upstairs window). The
world was going to hell and there wasn’t much we could do about that. There
were no ‘messages’ about social justice: God will fix the world's mess. By
16 I’d probably read a couple of hundred books within their theological
parameters, and filled several notebooks at their monthly Bible
conferences… [ ]
The first few lines of 1,140,000 results if you Google
Fundamentalism Definition offer this: ‘A form of a
religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in
the strict, literal interpretation of scripture.’ That’s OK for starters, but
there’s also Roman Catholic, Jewish and other religious fundamentalisms. The
term also applies to a strict/literal interpretation of any ideology or set of
beliefs: political, economic, what-have-you. The common element is belief in
the inerrancy of the defining text.
In a system committed to an ideology (eg. every religious group or
church), people will range left-to-right across a spectrum from radicals,
through progressives, conservatives, to traditionalists. Radicals want to
change everything, progressives many things, conservatives some things,
traditionalists nothing. Radicals are angry (concerned for justice as people-in-power
and their structures rip off the poor); traditionalists are fearful (with a
great emotional investment in the status quo, so ‘law and order’ may be their
Prophets (eg. Jesus with the Pharisees) are invariably radical. Priests
are traditionalist, passing on a tradition (cf. Jesus’ teaching about the law).
Incidentally, if religious leaders are perceived to be too prophetic or
traditionalist, they’ll have trouble with people at the other end! Leaders as
change-agents know that innovation cannot be commended by people two removes
away. For example, conservatives won’t listen to radicals, but may be persuaded
by a progressive. And if the whole population of the movement was surveyed, the
result would probably end up with people spread along a bell-curve if the group
is large and diverse enough. Not too many are radical: they’re noisy, but
bleeding isn’t very popular... Similarly only a minority will be
traditionalist: as time and ideas pass them by they are eventually very
uncomfortable in their ‘has been’ basket.
Here I’ll tantalize with a few notes about modern Christian (Protestant),
Islamic and Catholic Fundamentalism:
# Christian Fundamentalists are often accused of having as their
trinity ‘The Father, the Son and the Bible’. Karen
Armstrong’s memorable comment: ‘[Christian] Fundamentalism sees the Bible as a
kind of holy encyclopedia one may look up to find information about God’.
# Fundamentalists tend to be inerrantists. That is, their Bible –
at least in its original form – was dictated to about 40 different authors by
God, and has no errors whatsoever in it. The Bible dictated from on high by
God-who-is-truth: writers are simply stenographers, reporters.
But yes, some sleepy scribes copying manuscripts by candle-light can
make an error or two: so it’s the ‘original documents’ which are inerrant.
Problem for those who hold this position: we have no access to any of these
original manuscripts, nor any inerrant interpreters.
The Qur'an is considered by Muslims to be ‘The Word of Allah’ – a book
written directly by God, through the prophet Muhammad. [See here - - for
[RC- note preferred spellings of Qur’an and Muhammad]
# And yes, Fundamentalists also tend to be
literalists. But, as Professor James Barr notes in his book Fundamentalism (1977)
they are adept at abandoning a literal mode of interpretation when it becomes
an embarrassment to believe in the nonsense one has to subscribe to. James Barr
regards Hal Lindsey's The Late Great
Planet Earth as a 'farrago of nonsense'. (In
my youth some liked quoting 1 Peter 3:8 ‘One day is like a thousand years’ to
bring a bit of flexibility into their creationist thinking).
# Fundamentalism and Atheism: Christian
Fundamentalism tries to make Christianity an alternative to materialistic
atheism. It tries to make it an answer for everything. But it has to read the
Bible as badly as the atheists do to get there. It is no mistake that both
fundamentalism and atheism have grown as parallel movements - they have an
almost symbiotic relationship. Both exhibit (to use the American scholar R.
Scott Clark's term) a QIRC - a Quest for Illegitimate Religious Certainty. [Rediscovering
the Reformed Confession: our Theology, Piety and Practice, P&R,
Phillipsburg, 2008, p. 39. Cited in Michael Jensen, Pieces of Eternity,
Acorn, 2013, p. 161. Jensen concludes his interesting little book with this:
‘Christian liberalism, for its part, pretends to be a
kind of believing unbelief, but it is really just a failure of nerve. It sits
somewhere in the middle, neither believing nor sufficiently doubting. There is
a kind of craven unbelief, or a persistent doubt-for-no-purpose, which revels
in its own posture of superior not-knowingness. It characterizes much of
English Anglicanism, in fact. It is smug, but without reason to be.
‘Rather, truly biblical and orthodox Christianity
keeps nagging away at us, challenging our human pride and upsetting our
self-made securities. It turns us always to the twin wonders of a crucified
Messiah and an empty tomb. It speaks to us of the majesty and the steadfast
love of the God of Jesus Christ... and it offers us confidence, just enough, to
live in the turbulence of this difficulty world.' [pp. 161-2]]
# Fundamentalists tend to follow a variety of
infallible teachers. Protestant fundamentalists often teach that the
Catholic Church is the ‘whore of Babylon’, but they have their popes too (in
the U.S. for example, Bill Gothard, Hal Lindsay, James Dobson). Yes, traditional
Catholics believe the Pope is infallible when he speaks ex
cathedra (literally ‘from the chair’) eg. in 1950
when Pius XII defined the Assumption of Mary as being as an article of
faith. How can popes be infallible if some of them lived scandalously?
Catholics respond that we must not confuse infallibility and impeccability.
Further, a pope’s private theological opinions are not infallible. And note
this concomitant of a closed system: When Catholic Professor Hans Kung
questioned the somewhat modern notion of papal infallibility, the official
Vatican response was not to discuss the issue, but to condemn and remove the
one who raised the question.
There's also a brand of atheist fundamentalism: these people are
desperate that other people agree with them, so that they won't have to re-open
old questions. They shut God up in a box labelled 'Doesn't Exist', but God keeps
breaking out of it, as their own weight on the lid is not enough to keep God in
a pot-pourri of quotes, comments, opinions etc from my files - emanating from
hundreds of conversations over nearly three-quarters of a century - on modern
variants of Christian fundamentalism... You decide!
Fundamentalists’ doctrine arises from a literal
interpretation of an inerrant text. Evangelical scholar Clark Pinnock says
he defended a strict view of inerrancy in his earlier years because he desperately
wanted it to be true. For the hard-line fundamentalist, the possibility of
being wrong carries with it awful consequences. They have a desperate need to
stuff the Bible into an ill-fitting hermeneutical suit. To acknowledge even the
smallest error would destroy the credibility of the entire biblical witness; if
the doctrine of inerrancy falls, the whole movement collapses.
Contrary to fundamentalist claims the doctrine of
biblical inerrancy they have formulated is not a return to primitive
Christianity/orthodoxy. Rather, it was an innovation fashioned mainly in the American
South 100-200 years ago. The doctrine of biblical inerrancy with its appeal to
non-existent original autographs/ manuscripts did not exist in either Europe or
North America prior to the nineteenth century.
They believe, in general:
Everything was created in six days - or, at least,
quite recently (say about 10,000 years ago)... The better-educated tend to
place the act/process of creation earlier rather than later...
The better-educated also reckon the waters of
Noah's flood did not cover Mt Everest (nor did Noah have a miraculous way of
getting Australian koalas across the world to the Middle East and then deliver
them back DownUnder, not to mention sloths from South America: sloths can't
Only strict sectarian groups forbid women *ever* to teach
men. (In our Brethren Assembly a woman missionary - who in the African Sahel
area was the equivalent of a bishop - could bring a - sanitized - report of her
work, together with a Bible text-with-homily, but what she was doing was, of
course, not strictly 'preaching' or 'teaching'.)
Fewer these days are conscientious teetotalers (and
those who are have to stretch credulity by asserting that Jesus' wedding wine
was not intoxicating).
Scripture provides a forecast of contemporary
Fundamentalists have a frantic desire to fill the void with certainty:
they’re very anxious that you should agree with them: they need to convert you.
A common Pentecostal version loves the texts Hebrews 13:17: ‘Obey them that
have the rule over you, and submit yourselves... and/or 1 Chron. 16:22 'Touch not mine anointed, and
do my prophets no harm' (KJV).
And Fundamentalism
is a fertile breeding-ground for Pharisaism/Separatism. ‘Liberals’ – or ‘Modernists’
- are pejorative terms for those who have too many ideas-about-ideas, and they
must be avoided (even excommunicated, if the group is sectarian). [See
] Bob Jones: 'Anybody who knows and believes the Scriptures will agree with me. If
you do not agree, you are an apostate.'
today do they ‘love to hate’? Well, Bishop Spong would probably head
the list. In his Rescuing the Bible from
Fundamentalism he writes that their main problem is to define Christianity
so narrowly that only fundamentalists or conservatives can be included within
the definition of 'Christian'. Or, as Dr Peter Cameron points out [Necessary
Heresies, Fundamentalism and Freedom], fundamentalists have little
imagination or creativity. Or Tillich: they 'destroy the humble honesty of the
search for truth'.
And certainly they have problems with Paul’s 'the
letter kills, but the Spirit gives life'...
Rowland Croucher
August 2014
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